Leading By Example

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- Animal Rights. Signed legislation banning the sale of new fur products, prohibiting the hunting, trapping, or killing of bobcats in California, and creating the strongest state rules and protocols in horse racing. Appointed Brenda Davis to the California Horse Racing Board. Invested $45 million for a statewide Animal Shelter Assistance Program to help communities realize California’s long-held no-kill policy.
- Arts Budget. Invested $100 million for the California Arts Council with a focus on the Creative Corps Program and Creative Youth Development Programs.
- California Volunteers. Leveraged California Volunteers to advance Administration priorities on a range of issues, from supporting climate action to helping Californians get vaccinated. Invested $146.3 million to create the Californians For All College Service Program which provides 6,250 part-time service opportunities to support debt-free pathways for low-income students, and $185 million in the Youth Jobs Corps, which will employ tens of thousands of young people in community service (these programs received additional funding in 2022). Launched the nation’s first Climate Action Corps, which uses a “Service Pyramid” model to create meaningful opportunities for all Californians to engage in meaningful climate action and has funded 132 full-time positions.
- Advisory Council on Physical Fitness and Mental Well-Being. Created the Governor’s Advisory Council on Physical Fitness and Mental Well-Being, which is co-chaired by the First Partner and tasked with exploring strategies to promote health and wellness among Californians of all ages.
- Ukraine. Sent a letter to CalPERS, CalSTRS, and UC asking them to leverage California’s global investment portfolio to sanction the Russian government and issued an executive order directing state agencies and departments to ensure that their contractors are complying with economic sanctions against Russia. Shipped five 50-bed field medical stations, with more in transit.
- Department of Cannabis Control. Established the Department of Cannabis Control, which reached its first year as a state department in July 2022. It has issued 4,000 new licenses, transitioned 1,000 provisional licenses to annual licenses, taken 200 enforcement actions ($2.5 million in cash, 79 illegal firearms), created an equity fee waiver program and provided 950 waivers, and made $47.5 million in grants.
Gavin Newsom is delivering for California.
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