California is providing real choice to parents – expanding access to affordable, high-quality instruction for their kids.

Nation-leading Education Reforms
- Highest-ever per-pupil investment in California history: $22,893
- Adding a whole new grade to public school: T-K
- Finally creating true universal access for after-school and summer-school
- Enhancing the public school experience by adding mental health counselors, arts & music, and more pathways to a degree at UC and CSU for Californians.
- Provided up to two years of community college tuition-free for first-time, full-time students.
- Invested $1.9 billion to set up college savings accounts of up to $1,500 for every vulnerable student, with $170 million in ongoing funds to set up accounts for all vulnerable students when they enter the 1st grade.
- More slots at UC/CSU for California schoolkids

Gavin Newsom is delivering for California.
Learn more about where Gavin Newsom stands on the issues facing Californians.